Welcome to the home of the
Mieco Beach
Yacht Club
This site is dedicated to helping cruisers discover the Marshall Islands and navigate its twists and turns. The club was established in 2004 and continues to be part of the glue that keeps the sailing fleet a friendly and helpful group.

VHF Channel 71 (24/7)
HF Channel 6.224 (7:45am daily)

about us
Our history
Five people got together at the Marshall Islands Resort’s deck in early 2004 and decided that a yacht club would enhance cruisers’ experience in Majuro by providing social activities and the promotion of tourism in the country. They were Liz Rodick, Ron Douglas, Grant James, Cary Evarts and Karen Earnshaw.
The club’s new board began holding races, set up daily radio scheds, organized Tuesday night dinners, provided newcomers with info about the outer islands … and much, much more. We sell fashion passion products, including T-shirts, and one of our proudest achievements is the two mooring fields at Enemanet and Eneko Islands.
Club Features
Radio nets, Eating Out
RADIO: The Mieco Beach Yacht Club hosts two radio networks: A VHF net Monday to Saturday mornings on Channel 71 at 7:30am and an HF net seven days a week on frequency 6.224 at 7:45am. Both nets have different volunteer net controllers each day. The purpose of the nets is to make sure everyone is doing okay and provide a place for social interaction. Here is a link to the radio scripts for each net plus an emergency script: VHF, HF Radio Scripts – Mieco Beach Yacht Club (sailingmarshallislands.com)
EATING OUT: Every Tuesday the cruisers gather at one of five restaurants. They are Toeak Bar and Grill, the Marshall Islands Resort, Tide Table, Won Hai Shien and the Marshall Islands Club. Listen to the 7:30am net on VHF Ch 71 for the current week’s location.