Every year mooring man Cary Evarts (a.k.a. Vice Commodore of the Mieco Beach Yacht Club) calls on volunteers to do a maintenance project on the club’s moorings at Enemanet and Eneko Islands, which are a few miles from downtown Majuro.
So this week (October, 2019), he did just that with crew of the yachts Ivanpah, Undine, Apolima, and Ahaluna joining him on his sports boat Wasabi or self-driving to the mooring fields. They started at Enemanet, where they inspected, cleaned and replaced missing buoys, and then had lunch on the way to Eneko, where the did the same.
A fun time was had by all and their efforts will be appreciated by the new season’s load of yachts when they arrive in a month or so.
Thanks go to Commodore Peter Hartmann of Ahaluna for his great photos and for the coordinates of each island (see below).