There was a good turnout for the club’s Annual General Meeting, which was held Thursday, March 1, 2018 under the Big Tree at the Marshall Islands Resort The evening started off with yummy finger treats organized by Social Director Vicki O’Loughlin and a no-host bar-in-a-cooler provided by the hotel.
The meeting was duly brought to order, with outgoing Commodore Rebecca Lathrop inviting officers to sum up the year and then giving her thanks to all for their efforts.
And then the most important task of the night was upon us: The voting in of the new officers for 2018.
And the winners are:
- Co-Commodores KarenThomas and husband Chuck Gauthier
- Vice-Commodore Cary Evarts (returning)
- Secretary Pamela Perkins (returning)
- Treasurer Cindy Wallen
- Membership Director Darrel Wallen
- Social Director Vicki O’Loughlin (returning)
- Quartermaster Emily Hudson
- Race Director: Larry Jones
- Publicity Director and Webmaster Karen Earnshaw (returning)
The officers will soon meet to get the ball rolling on what events and other plans there are for the new year.