The Mieco Beach Yacht Club's Lanny Pirtle tosses a bottle into a waste collection bag at Enemanet Island. Photo: Mika Makelainen.
The Mieco Beach Yacht Club’s Lanny Pirtle tosses a bottle into a waste collection bag at Enemanet Island. Photo: Mika Makelainen.

Weeks of organizing paid off last Friday as the members of various local NGOs volunteered to do beach cleanups around Majuro in honor of World Oceans Day. The local beaches and ocean environments were the winners, with tons of plastic, cans, and assorted debris picked up and brought to disposal centers.

One group, the members of the Mieco Beach Yacht Club, generously provided their yachts (five in all) for transporting 25 volunteers to Enemanet, along with all their clean up supplies. The ocean and lagoon side beaches were targeted for cleanup, along with the shallow water lagoon-side to 30 feet deep. Hot work on a brilliantly sunny day, left the entire eastern shore of the island free of visible plastic debris and aluminum cans. Hundreds of aluminum cans were also picked up in the shallow waters along the lagoon beaches,  by volunteer divers and snorkelers. It was an especially rewarding day for the yachties, since the oceans are such a major part of their lives.

In case you’d like to hold a clean-up, follows is how it worked:

World Oceans Day 2018 Agenda

Friday June 8th


s/v KATIE G: Chuck and Caesar

s/v SWIFTSURE: Lanny,  Ginger & Nikki

s/v TRIBUTE: Larry and Gary (Apolima)

s/v VIANDONTE: Grant, Doug & Mika

s/v MOONBIRD: Darryl and Cyndi

Provided by WOD Committee:

Copra Style bags- for trash collection and transportation

Mesh Bags for ocean pickup/clean-up


Hand Scale- to weigh trash

Bring your own:

Day at the beach stuff

Snorkel or Dive gear-if you plan to help “in” the ocean.


Camera: We need to take lots of photos for documentation, WOD and Marshall Islands Websites, and the local newspaper.

Tentative Plan:

9:00     Sail to Enemanet

10:00  Walk the Shoreline/Beach, Snorkel and or dive while picking up trash

2:00     Place all trash into Copra Bags by category: plastics, glass, cans, other

Weigh trash for annual statistics and possible prizes

3:00.    Sail back

4:30.    Yachts deposit trash at  Shoreline for City pickup

5:00     BYOB at Shoreline to celebrate a job well done with other clean up groups.


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